ILC urges LCA to ‘hear the Word of Scripture’
This morning’s first session of business opened with a greeting from Rev Albert B Collver, Executive Secretary of the International Lutheran Council (ILC), attending the 19th General Convention of Synod as an international guest.
Synod backs governance and structural changes
General Convention of Synod has backed formal introduction of changes to church governance and national functions, which have been trialled over the past three years.
LCA bishops re-elected
LCA Bishop John Henderson (left) and Assistant Bishop Andrew Pfeiffer have been re-elected for another synodical term.
Churchwide support building local connections
On Wednesday afternoon LCA department and agency representatives gave short verbal and video presentations on their diverse responsibilities on behalf of the church. Visitors and delegates were able to share the presentations together.
LCA Bishop addresses Synod
LCA Bishop John Henderson this morning: ‘… “The church is a project to be realised, not an artefact to be preserved.” If we focus on preserving the church as an artefact, it creates stress. We take our eyes off Jesus and fixate instead on some idealised form of the church.’
LWF sends encouragement to LCA
Bishop Ben Chun Wa Chang from the Lutheran Church of Hong Kong delivered an official greeting to Synod on behalf of Lutheran World Federation General Secretary Rev Dr Martin Junge.
PNG Lutherans send greetings to Synod
The relationship between Australian and PNG Lutherans remains ‘alive and active’, almost 140 years after the first Lutheran missionary travelled from Australia to PNG, according to General Convention guest Bishop Jack Urame.