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19th General Convention of Synod
Rosehill Gardens NSW | 2–7 October 2018
Proposals are published in the Book of Reports, which has been posted to delegates. The complete book, as well as individual segments, are available for reading or download on the Book of Reports page.
Reports are published in the Book of Reports, which has been posted to delegates. The complete book, as well as individual segments, are available for reading or download on the Book of Reports page.
The deadline for nominations has passed.
The Standing Committee on Nominations invited nominations for all required positions on the LCA’s governing bodies. These were to be submitted by individuals or by congregations wishing to nominate someone. Current members seeking to continue in their role/s also had to submit a nomination form. The term of service on all governing bodies commences three months after Convention and the appointment goes through to three months after the next General Convention of Synod.
Information for people interested in serving the church in this way were directed to the LCA Nominations webpage (www.lca.org.au/nominations) for details about each of the governing bodies. Before submitting a nomination, they were asked to read the Frequently Asked Questions section, which includes information about the nominations process and requirements related to serving on an LCA governing body.
Nominations had to be received by 15 May 2018, as nominations will no longer be taken from the floor at Convention. The nominations list was sent to delegates with the Book of Reports. For more information, please contact the Chair of the Standing Committee on Nominations, Jill Hobden, at nominations@lca.org.au
Visit the page: Ordination of Women and Men
Visit the page: Reconciliation Action Plan
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