Let us hold on firmly to the hope we profess, because we can trust God to keep his promise (Hebrews 10:23).
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Rosehill Gardens is located in the Western Sydney suburb of Rosehill, New South Wales. The beautiful spacious function areas are on two levels with easy access via lifts and stairs. There is ample car parking on-site for Convention delegates and visitors.
Rosehill Gardens, James Ruse Drive, Rosehill NSW
Opening Service 1.00pm, 30 September 2018
Closing Service 11.30am, 2 October 2018
The Lutheran Women of Australia Executive extend a warm welcome to anyone wishing to attend the 18th National Convention of Lutheran Women of Australia.
The theme for this convention is ‘Faith Freedom Future - HOPE’ based on Hebrews 10:23 – 'Let us hold on firmly to the hope we profess, because we can trust God to keep his promise'.
Come and be inspired, uplifted, challenged and strengthened in your faith as we worship, sing and praise our God. Listen to guest speakers from New South Wales, Queensland, Papua New Guinea and Israel. Be informed and updated on Lutheran Women projects and hear spot speakers from Lutheran Church of Australia departments, boards and auxiliaries.
Registrations have closed.